Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Turning Nocturnal and finishing my Novel-chapter

Hey guys,

It's Christmas holidays, and I, have turned Nocturnal. Seriously, I can't go to bed before 4 in the morning! And since I still can't keep myself from sleeping, I wake up around 1 pm ^^)

Anyhoodle, I haven't really gotten this blog started (you know, by actually posting blogs) because I've been really busy. In fact, I've had a lot to write.
You see, there's this other blog called The Nerdfighter Novel Project where I and 25 other nerdfighters (see http://nerdfighters.ning.com/ if you're, you know... Awesome ;D) are writing a Science Fiction Novel together!! It's just started, The two first people (Director Danny who is my sister and Adam J.M. Eagleton the awesome) have finished their chapters and the last two weeks have been my time to write. Which has been absolutely terrifying.
But surprise SURPRISE, I made the deadline!! I thought.
Apparently, when I asked the nerds in the project just before posting, they had imagined something differently. And I realized that the smartasses (which isn't an insult. Carcass fit for hounds or Towel-less Hitchhiker - Now that's an insult) were undoubtably right. So now I'm going to change a rather huge detail in the middle... and I'm way too lazy. *sigh*
I feel so bad about it, I should be finishing it right now! Very well.

You should really check the project out, here's the site; http://www.nerdfighternovel.blogspot.com/

(Don't forget to be Awesome!)

Monday, December 15, 2008

This will sound cheesy... but Welcome ^^]

Hey people,

WELCOME to my brand new and very first blog!
It is - as you should probably know - called The Blog of a Cheeseburger Saint.
Quite obviously, I am The Cheeseburger Saint. Ehm, oh, you want a reason?
Well, since I am (this is a fact that will be mentioned a large amount of times in the future) extremely lazy, I will link to my blogpost on my Blog at the most awesome page there is - Nerdfighters. Here it is; http://nerdfighters.ning.com/profiles/blogs/i-am-the-cheese-burger-saint ;] (If you're not a Nerdfighter, Become one if you're Awesome xD)

So... this post is pretty much just a small introduction to me.
I'm 14, I live in my Room, which is in Flemingsberg, which is in Stockholm, which is in Sweden, which is in Scandinavia, which is in Europe, which is on Earth, which is in The Universe, which is an irrevocably mindbogglingly BIG place. And I probably will continue to live there in the near vicinity of the present.
I'm in 8th grade in Annerstaskolan, my Christmas holidays started yesterday, and I'm just quite generally uninteresting.

I don't really think I need to tell you anything else for now ^^) Facts will show in later posts anyway. Have a jokes day :]

PS. And oh, the name's Suse.